I am thrilled to welcome back both our returning and new families to Murwood. This is my second year at Murwood, with a 1st grader (Maddy) and an entering TK'er (Joey). We had a fantastic summer and hope you did too!
Throughout the summer, your PTA was hard at work. We have an incredible calendar of fun events planned for our Murwood community, and we're looking forward to seeing you all there!
The Murwood PTA is a non-profit and volunteer-run organization. Our purpose is to provide students with the best possible school experience. We do that by hosting community events (like Welcome Back Day in August, and Fall Festival in October), funding school programs (such as Walking Club), filling supply gaps, and making sure our teachers and staff feel our appreciation!
Receiving this communication means you successfully created or updated your membership inMembership Toolkit, and for that I thank you. Your Membership allows the PTA to continue funding the special events our school knows and loves. If you're so inclined, I encourage you to share about our Murwood PTA with a friend. We love new members!
If you haven't yet joined as a member or donated to our Annual Fund and would like to, please visit us at www.murwoodpta.membershiptoolkit.com.
From myself, my family, and the PTA, we look forward to bringing joy to you and your family's school experience this year. If you ever have any questions or feedback, we'd love to hear from you atmurwoodelementarypta@gmail.com
To another great school year!!
Megan Lenigk - PTA President