We are excited to continue our After School Enrichment (ASE) program this Spring! 





SPRING 2025 ASE Registration and Session dates:

     Registration: January 13 - January 22, 2025

    Session Dates: February 3 - May 2, 2025


Please note, ASE classes will not be held on the following minimum days, Staff Development days, or holidays:

February 13th - 17th (No School | President's Day Weekend)

February 28th (Shortened Day | TK-5)

March 31 - April 4th (No School | Spring Break) 


   After School Enrichment (ASE) Program Policies:

    • Courteous and attentive behavior is expected. A student can be withdrawn without a refund at the teacher’s discretion, if there is any consistent, inappropriate classroom behavior. Do your best to anticipate your child’s interest level. 

    • All classes begin at 2:35pm, immediately following dismissal from school. Students are expected to go directly to their after school classroom when the bell rings, or be escorted if in Kindergarten or TK.

    • Unattended students will be withdrawn from their ASE classes without a refund.

    • Unregistered siblings are not permitted to attend ASE classes.

    • Keyspot and ELO-P students are escorted to and from their classrooms. To register for Keyspot, contact Keyspot at (925) 932-8118. To register for ELO-P, contact Dianne Adair at (925) 248-6806.

    • If your student(s) is/are not registered for Keyspot or ELO-P, they must be picked up at the classroom or in front of the school follow their ASE class. 

    How To Book Classes:

    1. Visit Homeroom - Murwood Elementary 

    2. View Classes - Use the Filter tabs to view classes by grade, day of the week, or subject.

    3. Learn More About a Program - click the program tile to view the full class description, program dates, what to bring, and the company leading it. 

    4. Book a Class - Select “Add to Cart”. The course will turn teal, and a number will pop up in your cart (upper right hand corner). Note: You can add all your classes and students at once and will be asked to assign classes to specific students once you checkout.

    5. Check Out - Select the shopping cart icon in the upper righthand corner
      - Assign student(s) to each class and their dismissal for that day
      - Finalize information and add your credit card
      NOTE: families who purchase on Homeroom can opt for a 0% interest payment plan with no credit card check or late fees. 

    6. View Booked Classes - Once all classes have been booked, you’ll be able to see them in your Homeroom account. You'll also receive an automated email confirmation. 

    7. Homeroom Site Support - If you ever have any questions or need support, feel free to use the chat box in the lower righthand corner of the site.






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 Questions? Comments? Suggestions?