To maintain essential programs and services that enrich the education of Walnut Creek public schools beyond what the California state budget provides, each year we ask families to contribute to both the Walnut Creek Education Fund (WCEF) and Murwood PTA as they are able.


Why Donate to WCEF and Murwood PTA? 

Did you know that California ranks 33rd in the country in per-student funding, resulting in only a basic education? By raising critical resources through donations, WCEF is able to support programs, teachers, and classes that make Murwood special, including weekly Art, Music, Science Lab, Library and more. WCEF helps ensure every student receives a well-rounded education to prepare them for future success, and your donations make it possible!


Murwood PTA is part of a larger state association and plays a crucial role in building an inclusive community, organizing highly anticipated school events, and supporting our exceptional teachers and staff.


When you donate to the Walnut Creek Education Foundation (WCEF) and Murwood PTA you are supporting Murwood Elementary! The suggested donation to meet our 2024-2025 goal is $825 per child to WCEF, and $250 per family to the Murwood PTA Annual Fund. However, what matters most is a united community coming together to give and volunteer whatever we can.



To learn more about how WCEF and Murwood PTA work together, check out the visual below. For more information about WCEF, click the Learn More button below or email them directly at









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 Questions? Comments? Suggestions?